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李方正, 解爽, 李雄
关键词:  风景园林  北京市中心城  绿色空间  演变  时空
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 “基于森林城市构建的北京市生态绿地格局演变机制及预测预警研究”(编号 31670704);北京市共建项目;国家自然科学基金青年项目 “基于可步行性的城市绿色空间修补研究—以北京市海淀区为例”(编号51708030)
The Spatio-temporal Evolution of Green Spaces in Central Beijing Based on Multi-source Data (1992—2016)
LI Fangzheng, XIE Shuang, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
Rapid urbanization, along with social and economic development and environment disruption, has seriously threatened the green space of central Beijing. Figuring out its evolution mechanism could provide an important theoretical basis for decision-making. Four time node (1992, 2000, 2008 and 2016) remote sensing images from 1992 to 2016 in central Beijing are applied to characterize the spatial-temporal change of green space and analyze its influence factors. The research indicates that the area of farmland, woodland, wetland and water area have decreased during the research period, while the grassland has increased, leading to drastic green space loss during the 24 years. The conversion of land use is mainly focused on the transition from farmland to construction land and woodland as well as from woodland and grassland to construction land. The results show the social, economic development has a significant impact on the evolution of green space area. Natural factors have restrictive effect on the evolution of the changes of green space area. And planning and government decision-making mechanism have a positive role in the construction of structural green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  central Beijing  greenspace  evolution  temporal-spatial
LI Fangzheng,XIE Shuang,LI Xiong.The Spatio-temporal Evolution of Green Spaces in Central Beijing Based on Multi-source Data (1992—2016)[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):46-51.