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肖遥, 朱强, 卓康夫
关键词:  风景园林  清代皇家园林  钦定内务府现行则例  皇家园林管理经营  植物景观
Plant Landscape and Management System of Beijing Royal Gardens, Qing Dynasty
XIAO Yao, ZHU Qiang, ZHUO Kangfu
Beijing Forestry University
The management and operation of gardens is an important support for the existence of royal gardens of the Qing Dynasty. On the basis of documents and the Regulations of the Royal Household Bureau of Qing Dynasty, this paper discusses the duties, income sources and operation modes as well as expenditure and earnings management of the administrative institutions of the Qing dynasty. It sums up the management framework based on plant production. The royal gardens of Qing Dynasty had gradually had a clear division of management as a result of rounds of reforms. In addition to the daily maintenance, the departments mainly undertook the plant production-oriented operations of each garden. Through the elaborate utilization of various resources and the combined land management of planting and leasing, the royal gardens had basically balanced budget of maintaining the gardens by themselves. And this operation mode had created a large area of background landscape along the water and productive plant ornamenting the garden. The paper draws the conclusion that plant landscape of the royal gardens in Qing Dynasty was valuable not only for the ornamental function, but also serving as a material foundation for the garden’s existence.
Key words:  landscape architecture  royal gardens in Qing Dynasty  the regulations of the royal household bureau of Qing Dynasty  the management and operation of gardens  plant landscape
XIAO Yao,ZHU Qiang,ZHUO Kangfu.Plant Landscape and Management System of Beijing Royal Gardens, Qing Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):110-115.