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著:(加)丹尼尔·勒尔1, 译:鲍沁星2, 校:王思思3
绿色屋顶是雨洪管理中一项重要的低影响开发(LID)措施。由于气候变化和城市快速发展,LID雨洪管理策略对于当下全球的城市设计都至关重要,尤其是在经济蓬勃发展历来又饱受洪水灾害的中国。气候变化导致降水事件及雨水径流峰值流速难以准确预测。面对建筑布局日益稠密、不透水下垫面日益增多的中国城市,设计师们需要随时做好应对城市雨洪问题的准备。2015年提出的“海绵城市”战略为在城市尺度下应用和监测绿色屋顶效益提供了机会。目前业内大多数国际性绿色屋顶的研究应用都局限于小型控制实验区,借海绵城市建设之东风有机会将应用实验扩展到城市规模。中国雨洪管理智慧的历史可以追溯至5 000年前,现今中国正处于成为大尺度绿色屋顶实践世界领先者的机遇期。因此,LID应是城市设计的驱动力量而非事后补救措施。景观设计师不仅能够从场地、城市和区域3个层面上对场地及其周围环境进行全面解读,而且对需要实施LID的其他因素也有全面认知。为探究中国雨洪管理结构提供了新的视角,对景观设计师如何参与LID实践提出了建议。
关键词:  风景园林  低影响设计(LID)  绿色屋顶  海绵城市  防洪  雨洪管理
China’s Sponge Cities—A Vast Living Roof Lab
Author: (Canada) Daniel Roehr1, Translator: BAO Qinxing2, Proofreader: WANG Sisi3
1.University of British Columbia;2.Zhejiang Agriculture and Forest University;3.Beijing University of Civil Enginnering and Architecture
Living roofs are important Low Impact Design (LID) tool to manage stormwater.Due to climate change and intense urban development, LID stormwater strategies are now crucial for urban design around the world, especially in economically booming China with a long history of floods. The changing climate made rain events and their peak flow runoff rates extremely difficult to accurately predict. Designers need to be prepared to deal with excessive rainwater in increasing denser and impervious cities in China. The “Sponge City” initiative started in 2015 provides an opportunity to use and monitor living roofs at large scale. Most of the international peer-reviewed research so far has been applied in controlled small-scale test plots or site environments. The sponge city projects provide a chance to apply and monitor their effectiveness at urban scale. China’s innovative flood protection history goes back 5000 years, a good opportunity for China to be a world leader in large scale living roof application for stormwater management. This article argues that LID should not be an afterthought but the driver of urban design. Landscape architects are equipped not only with a holistic understanding and reading of a site at regional, urban and site scale and its environmental systems, they also have the holistic knowledge of the other parameters needed to implement LID. The article provides an insight into China’s governance structure and suggests methods to designers to support the implementation of LID.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Low Impact Design (LID)  living (green) roofs  sponge cities  flood control  stormwater management
Author: (Canada) Daniel Roehr,Translator: BAO Qinxing,Proofreader: WANG Sisi.China’s Sponge Cities—A Vast Living Roof Lab[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(9):66-73.