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著:(日)大野晓彦1, 译:马嘉2
关键词:  风景园林  历史传承  转译  景观教育  传统造园技术
Inheritance and Translation: Inheritance of Traditional Gardening and Cultivation of Design Ability to Integrate with the World, as Pursued by Landscape Education in Japan
Author: (JPN) ONO Akihiko1, Translator: MA Jia2
1.Nagoya City University;2.Beijing Forestry University
We have the original spatial language for landscape architecture as garden culture has been cultivated for a long time. The language is still alive in gardens and urban public space, such as parks and plazas. However, it is difficult to understand exactly what the language is, because it has been influenced by religions and social backgrounds in each era for a long time. The following education programs are provided to teach the system of the language in Japan. 1) The base to understand the language is “measuring”. You can learn and recognize from the traditional space to modern space with the same measuring. Recently, we can use 3D measuring system for it. 2) Material variety in Japan has enriched the language. You can learn and recognize features of many materials through experiencing the maintenance works and construction works with touch to stones and plants. 3) Design methods to apply to global tasks are educated with experience and lectures as described above. You have a chance to experience it through workshops and exhibitions with architecture and urban planning, civil engineering students to challenge to solve interdisciplinary problems
Key words:  landscape architecture  learning from history  reinterpretation  landscape architecture education  traditional garden techniques
Author: (JPN) ONO Akihiko,Translator: MA Jia.Inheritance and Translation: Inheritance of Traditional Gardening and Cultivation of Design Ability to Integrate with the World, as Pursued by Landscape Education in Japan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(9):81-85.