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毛华松, 梁斐斐, 熊瑞迪
关键词:  风景园林  传统城镇风景  川江流域  风景要素  组织特征
Landscape Elements and Organizational Characteristics of Traditional Towns in Chuanjiang River Basin
MAO Huasong, LIANG Feifei, XIONG Ruidi
Chongqing University
The landscape features of regional towns are closely related to the natural base, historical process, industries and humanities. Sorting out the landscape elements of traditional towns, their spatial distribution, and organizational characteristics is of great guidance and reference significance for the reconstruction of regional urban landscape system in the contemporary context. Chuanjiang River valley towns, located in the gorge areas, are typical mountainous towns. In addition, influenced by long evolutions and regional multicultures, the landscapes of the towns have rich historical and local characteristics. Through quantitative analysis of written records, such as local chronicles, collected works and poems, and relevant picture materials, and cross-check of pictures and texts, we have sorted out the quantity, types and location distribution of landscape elements of traditional towns in the Chuanjiang River Basin. At the same time, we have observed the spatial expressions of geographical information in ancient town maps with the help of the HGIS technology. We have summped up the coupling relations between landscape distribution and landscape framework in the macroscopic horizon, and the complementary and referential relations between towns and landscapes under the town and peripheral horizon. It will provide research methods and theoretical guidance for constructing diversified urban landscape elements, strengthening local landscape patterns and promoting coordinated development of towns and landscapes.
Key words:  landscape town architecture  traditional urban landscape  Chuanjiang River Basin  landscape elements  organizational characteristics
MAO Huasong,LIANG Feifei,XIONG Ruidi.Landscape Elements and Organizational Characteristics of Traditional Towns in Chuanjiang River Basin[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(9):27-33.