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王越, 林箐
关键词:  风景园林  传统城市  水适应性空间格局  防洪需求  用水需求
基金项目:北京林业大学青年教师科学研究中长期项目“城乡生态网络构建”(编号 2015ZCQ-YL-02);北京市共建项目“城乡生态环境北京实验室”
Water Adaptive Spatial Structure of Traditional Urban Areas —Case Study of Jinan
WANG Yue, LIN Qing
Beijing Forestry University
To study the experience of the ancients in the utilization of water resources and flood control accumulated in the long process of adaption to and transformation of nature, we cited Jinan as an example, collected local chronicles and city maps of different dynasties and made field investigations, to explore the origin and pattern evolution of the city under the influence of water environment, and the spatial pattern characteristics of water adaptability in urban and rural areas in a macro scale. This is done on the basis of different requirements from the three aspects of regional water network constraints, flood control demands and water utilization demands, at the regional and city scales and the level of city and water interaction. Then we sum up the ecological wisdom of the ancients in the construction of the spatial pattern of water adaptability, which were conforming to nature and utilizing nature, stacked and coordinated operation of the water conservancy facilities, internal and external connection of the natural—artificial water system network, and constructing unique living space by the water. They may provide some references for the protection of the water environment and hydraulic facilities, the urban water environment planning in the ancient city of Jinan
Key words:  landscape architecture  ancient city  water adaptability spatial pattern  flood control demands  water utilization demands
WANG Yue,LIN Qing.Water Adaptive Spatial Structure of Traditional Urban Areas —Case Study of Jinan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(9):40-44.