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岳晓蕾, 林箐, 杨宇翀
关键词:  风景园林  植被覆盖度  地表温度  城市热岛效应  城市绿地
Mitigation Role of Urban Green Space in Reducing Heat Island Effect—A Case Study of Central Urban Area of Baoding City
YUE Xiaolei, LIN Qing, YANG Yuchong
Beijing Forestry University
With the development of urbanization in China, the urban heat island effect has gradually become an obvious problem in urban climate. It can be effectively relieved by urban green space, so in the city planning, we may make a rational layout of the urban green space, to reduce the impact of urban heat island effect. This paper adopts the remote sensing data inversion method, and makes comprehensive application of the geographic information system and remote sensing technology, to obtain the spatio-temporal evolution map of the surface temperatures and vegetation coverage in the central urban area of Baoding city. It analyzes the spatial and temporal evolution law in the past 10 years and studies the correlation between vegetation coverage and surface temperatures under the grid method, to draw the conclusion that as the vegetation coverage increases 10%, the average surface temperature decreases by 0.9℃ to 1.3℃. Furthermore, the authors selected eight parks in the target area, adopted the buffer analysis method to study the relationship between urban green patches and its cooling range. Combined with the current situation of land use in Baoding, it provides a scientific basis for the layout of urban parks in the study area.
Key words:  landscape architecture  vegetation coverage  land surface temperature  urban heat island effect  city green space
YUE Xiaolei,LIN Qing,YANG Yuchong.Mitigation Role of Urban Green Space in Reducing Heat Island Effect—A Case Study of Central Urban Area of Baoding City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):66-70.