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王洁宁1, 任震2, 黄滢1, 张凯云3
关键词:  风景园林  教学  评述  城市绿地系统规划  生态正义
On the Introduction of Ecological Justice Concept to Urban Green Space Planning Course Teaching
WANG Jiening1, REN Zhen2, HUANG Ying1, ZHANG Kaiyun3
1.Nanjing Forestry University;2.Shandong Jianzhu University;3.Nanjing Tech University
The course of urban green space system planning for the landscape architecture specialty is a professional course oriented by programming techniques. The introduction of the ecological justice concept to the course has exactly adapted to the new requirements of coordination of ideological education and professional education in colleges and universities, considering the backdrop that the national conference on ideological and political work in colleges and universities put forward the target of training talents with both ability and political integrity. Based on the present situation of the course, which stresses theory, form and standard but neglects practice, thinking and liability, the paper expounds the realistic significance of the ecological justice concept to the course, in line with the origin and connotation of the concept: it will be beneficial to guide students to pay attention to the society, protect their care for life, and cultivate their sense of historical responsibility. Through modular analysis of the course, it properly introduces three connotations of the concept to the course, and explores the ways of introducing the concept into the teaching of the course.
Key words:  landscape architecture  teaching  comment  urban green space system planning  ecological justice
WANG Jiening,REN Zhen,HUANG Ying,ZHANG Kaiyun.On the Introduction of Ecological Justice Concept to Urban Green Space Planning Course Teaching[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):110-114.