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关键词:  步行友好  国外  城市街道  开放空间  规划设计
基金项目:国家青年自然科学基金项目“服务水平法在城市公园系统规划中的应用研究”(编号 51608368);国家自然科学基金项目“基于可步行性的城市绿色空间修补研究”(编号 51708030)
Analysis of Six Guidelines for Street Planning and Design in Foreign Cities: How to Plan Pedestrian-friendly Street Open Space?
FANG Jia1, LIU Jun2, WANG De3, YU Changming,4
1.Tongji University.;2.China Academy of Urban Planning & Design,Shanghai Branch.;3.Tongji University;4.Beijing Forestry University
“How to build a pedestrian friendly urban street open space through street planning and design to improve the quality of residents’ life?” In this paper, the authors select corresponding contexts on “how to plan and design pedestrian friendly urban open space” from six foreign urban street planning guidelines. The contexts are extracted and reorganized following the Chinese guideline logic. In view of the demand of building high quality cities through improving the street environment for pedestrians, the paper puts forward to incorporate demand survey in planning regulations, classify and locate streets from the perspective of environmental characteristics, pay attention to regional characteristics and the methods of constructing environments of intensive ecological facilities, and improve the functional diversity and spatial compatibility of walkways.
Key words:  pedestrian-friendly  overseas  urban street  open space  plan and design
FANG Jia,LIU Jun,WANG De,YU Changming,.Analysis of Six Guidelines for Street Planning and Design in Foreign Cities: How to Plan Pedestrian-friendly Street Open Space?[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(11):33-39.