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申世广, 唐欢, 邱冰
关键词:  风景园林  绿道  步行友好  评价体系  紫金山绿道
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号31570703 );江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目(编号15KJB220001);江苏省高校品牌专业建设工程资助项目(编号PPZY2015A063)
Evaluation Research of Pedestrian-friendly Greenways—A Case Study of Greenways around Purple Mountain in Nanjing
SHEN Shiguang, TANG Huan, QIU Bing
Nanjing Forestry University
The evaluation of pedestrian-friendly greenways has enriched the research content of greenways, and the evaluation results can provide a scientific basis for the planning and construction of greenways. In this paper, we take the Purple Mountain greenways of Nanjing as an example and, on the basis of sorting out the concept of pedestrian-friendly greenways, evaluate the pedestrian-friendly levels of the greenways in each section with the analytic hierarchy process. The result shows that although the overall pedestrian-friendliness of the Purple Mountain greenways is high, there are large differences between various sections. Besides, under the premise of high quality green road construction, pedesrians are more concerned with the accessibility, safety, clear sign system, comfortable service facilities and visual landscape of the greenways, and do not care much about the functional elements of the greenways. Therefore, in the planning and construction of urban leisure greenways, on the premise of satisfying the walking function, we should put sound walking experience in the first place, rather than paying too much attention to the formal beauty of greenways.
Key words:  landscape architecture  greenway  pedestrian-friendly  evaluation system  Purple Mountain greenways
SHEN Shiguang,TANG Huan,QIU Bing.Evaluation Research of Pedestrian-friendly Greenways—A Case Study of Greenways around Purple Mountain in Nanjing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(11):46-51.