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中国能否打破现有困境,建立具有中国特色的国家公园体制是国内研究者们一致关注的命题。过去40年中,学者已经对国外国家公园发展的经验和中国探索国家公园建设途径进行了大量的讨论和分析,然而百家争鸣、众说纷纭,对建立国家公园体制的核心问题尚未达成共识。通过运用文献计量学分析方法,运用普赖斯定律和布拉福德定律,对知网中1 695篇国家公园相关研究文献进行系统综述,针对文献年谱、文献来源类型、关键词、核心作者群、资金资助和研究案例地空间分布6个方面进行定量统计分析,结果发现中文语境下,中国国家公园研究的主要进展包括:现有研究已经历3个阶段式发展,进入中国特色化探索时期;风景园林学科研究源远流长,近5年成为多学科研究新热点;聚焦国外发展经验和国内实践总结,研究问题逐步深入。同时存在的问题主要包括:核心作者群尚未形成,文献合作度不高;核心期刊比例低,科学定量研究方法相对缺乏;针对性研究空间分布不平衡,需求侧研究缺失等。建议未来进一步加强对国家公园体制建立核心问题的深入研究。
关键词:  风景园林  国家公园  文献计量学  普赖斯定律  布拉福德定律  体制
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“中国野生动物旅游栖息地游客行为特征与调节机制”(编号 41601129);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助“国家公园生态旅游适应性规划与管理”(编号 2015ZCQ-YL-04)
Bibliometrics Analysis of Research Literature on Chinese National Parks
Beijing Forestry University
Whether China can break the existing predicament and establish a national park system with Chinese characteristics is a proposition that Chinese researchers have been closely followed. Over the past two decades, scholars have conducted a great deal of discussions and analysis on the experience of foreign national park development and the exploration of ways for constructing national parks in our country. However, there are divergent opinions and controversies among them. No consensus has been reached on the core issues for establishing a national park system. By using bibliometrics analysis, along with Price Law and Bradford’s law, this study systematically reviews 1,695 references concerning national parks, as well as chronologies, literature sources, keywords, core authors, funding and case sites. The results show that under the Chinese context, the main progresses in the research of China’s national parks include: The existing research has undergone three stages of development and entered the stage of exploration with Chinese characteristics. The exploration of landscape architecture has a long history and has become a new hot topic in multidisciplinary research over the past five years. They focus on foreign experience and domestic practice summary, tapping issues gradually in depth. Meanwhile, the main problems include: the core author group has not yet formed, the degree of co-operation of literature remains low, and it is lack of scientific and quantitative research methods; the spatial distribution of targeted research is unbalanced, the research on demand side is lacking. It is suggested that further study should be carried out on core issues concerning the establishment of a national park system in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national park  bibliometrics  Bryce’s law  Bradford’s law  system
CONG Li.Bibliometrics Analysis of Research Literature on Chinese National Parks[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(11):106-111.