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著:(美)埃里克·鲁索1, 著:(美)蒂姆·阿格内洛2, 译:张文正3, 译:胡一可3, 校:李正4
记录了辛辛那提市自成立以来的发展历史,包括那些成为城市及其居民的长期财政负担的资源开发型的土地利用模式和不理智的工程实践。强调了过去40年里该市为缓解坡地不稳定性而采取的步骤,并提出了其他一些该市可以采取的关于未来山地开发的更为积极的措施。还记录了山地信托基金会(Hillside Trust)的工作,该基金会是一个成立于1976年的非营利组织,旨在倡导慎重利用和保护辛辛那提地区的山地。
关键词:  山体滑坡  城市山地保护  非营利性山地保护组织  辛辛那提  山地信托
Urban Hillside Protection: A Case Study of Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Author: (USA) Eric Russo1, Author: (USA) Tim Agnello2, Translator: ZHANG Wenzheng3, Translator: HU Yike3, Proofreader: LI Zheng4
1.The Hillside Trust;2.University of Cincinnati.;3.Tianjin University;4.Beijing Forestry University,
This paper documents Cincinnati抯 development history since its founding, including exploitive land use patterns and unwise engineering practices that resulted in long-term if not perpetual financial responsibilities for the city and its residents. It highlights steps the city has taken over the last 40 years to try to mitigate slope instability, and it suggests additional measures the city can take to be more proactive concerning future hillside development. The paper also documents the work of The Hillside Trust, a non-profit organization created in 1976 to advocate for the thoughtful use and preservation of the Cincinnati region抯 hillsides.
Key words:  landslides  urban hillside protection  non-profit hillside advocacy  Cincinnati  The Hillside Trust
Author: (USA) Eric Russo,Author: (USA) Tim Agnello,Translator: ZHANG Wenzheng,Translator: HU Yike,Proofreader: LI Zheng.Urban Hillside Protection: A Case Study of Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):10-22.