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赵宏宇, 林展略, 张成龙
关键词:  风景园林  浅山区域  景观设计理念  网络大数据  语义分析  传达有效性
Evaluation of Communication Effectiveness of Landscaping Ideas Based on Web Semantic Resource Mining and Analysis: Taking the Shallow Mountainous Area of Louts Mountain Eco-Tourism Resort as an Example
ZHAO Hongyu, LIN Zhanlue, ZHANG Chenglong
Jilin Jianzhu University.
With a long history and profound influence on Buddhism, the Vulture Peak in India is an important case in the development of mountain landscape in Asia, but landscape architecture and other related research areas have not paid sufficient attention to it. From the perspective of landscape architecture history research, this paper sorts out the history of the Vulture Peak in India, its historical relics and cultural landscape, expounds its profound influence on the cultural landscape of the Feilai Hill in Hangzhou, analyzes the influence of modern and contemporary archaeological studies on the redevelopment and tourism of the Vulture Peak in India, and finally discusses the significance of the Vulture Peak in the study of contemporary mountain development and the meaning for sustainable development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  shallow mountain area  landscape design ideas  web big date  semantic analysis  communicate effectiveness
ZHAO Hongyu,LIN Zhanlue,ZHANG Chenglong.Evaluation of Communication Effectiveness of Landscaping Ideas Based on Web Semantic Resource Mining and Analysis: Taking the Shallow Mountainous Area of Louts Mountain Eco-Tourism Resort as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):36-40.