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关键词:  风景园林  韧性  适应性  城市社区  规划设计  韧性构建
Three Dimensions of Resilient Urban Community Planning and Design
SHEN Jiake, WANG Yuncai
Tongji University
In the literature on resilient urban communities, adaptability is a frequently used term that describes a community’s capability to resist and/or absorb disturbances that may otherwise lead to undesirable ramifications, and embrace the associated changes as opportunities for growth, development, novelty, and innovation. As such, adaptability is often regarded as a sine qua non of community resilience. However, it is unclear in the literature what exactly adaptability comprises within the context of resilient urban communities. This article aims to bridge this knowledge gap by addressing the following question: What are the key adaptive attributes of a resilient urban community? Standing on the challenges faced by urban communities, this paper builds a conceptual model for interpreting urban community resilience and adaptability based on the analysis of the nature and key characteristics of resilient urban communities. In the model, adaptability is the core, interpreting by the three dimensions, namely context dependence, space allocation and human centricity, which are also three principles to guide the planning and design of resilient urban community. It proposes that the urban communities which follow the unique features of the leylines and cultural context, meet the changing environmental needs and spatial preferences, and respect the residents’ rights and suggestions are resilient communities that express adaptability.
Key words:  landscape architecture  topography  design framework  restroom
SHEN Jiake,WANG Yuncai.Three Dimensions of Resilient Urban Community Planning and Design[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):65-69.