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郭晓华, 戴菲, 殷利华
城市道路绿地是城市绿地系统重要的组成部分,道路绿带承担着城市道路重要的生态环境改善功能,道路绿带的断面布局是道路绿地规划设计的核心内容。首次将ENVI-met运用于城市道路断面绿带规划设计模拟中,定量研究城市道路绿带断面形式对PM2.5的消减作用,结果表明: 1)道路横断面绿化类型对PM2.5分布有显著影响。道路绿化导致机动车道PM2.5浓度增加,非机动车道及人行道PM2.5浓度减少;2)道路绿化能明显消减人行道PM2.5浓度。从PM2.5的消减面积来看,四板五带式>两板三带式>一板两带式>三板四带式;从PM2.5的消减程度来看,两板三带式>四板五带式> 一板两带式>三板四带式。3)两板三带式、四板五带式绿化消减效果最佳,人行道消减率最大提高了18%。研究证实了道路绿化确能改善非机动车道及人行道的颗粒物污染,为绿色基础设施消减PM2.5浓度提供了有力的支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  ENVI-met  道路绿带  规划设计  PM2.5  消减作用  模拟
A Simulation Study on the Effect of ENVI-met-based Road Greenbelt Planning and Design on PM2.5 Reduction
GUO Xiaohua, DAI Fei, YIN Lihua
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Urban road green space is an important component of the urban green space system. The road greenbelt bears an important function in improving the ecological environment of the urban road. The cross section layout of the road greenbelt is the core of road green space planning and design. For the first time, ENVI-met is applied in the simulation of urban road section greenbelt planning and design, for quantitative study on the reduction of PM2.5 by the form of urban road greenbelt. The results show that: 1) the greening type of road cross section has a significant effect on the distribution of PM2.5. The road greening results in an increase in PM2.5 concentration in motorized lanes and a decrease in PM2.5 concentration in non-motorized lanes and sidewalks. 2) Road greening can significantly reduce the PM2.5 concentration of sidewalks. In terms of the area reduction of PM2.5, four-plate & five-greenbelt>two-plate & three-greenbelt>one-plate & two-greenbelt>three-plate & four-greenbelt. From the extent of PM2.5 reduction, two-plate & three-greenbelt>four-plate & five-greenbelt>one-plate & two-greenbelt>three-plate & four-greenbelt. 3) The best effect of reduction is achieved with the two-plate & three-greenbelt and four-plate & five-greenbelt greening, with up to 18% reduction in the sidewalks. This paper has confirmed that road greening can improve particulate pollution in non-motorized lanes and sidewalks, providing a strong support for reducing PM2.5 concentration with green infrastructure.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ENVI-met  road greenbelt  planning and design  PM2.5  reduction rate  simulation
GUO Xiaohua,DAI Fei,YIN Lihua.A Simulation Study on the Effect of ENVI-met-based Road Greenbelt Planning and Design on PM2.5 Reduction[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):75-80.