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郭庭鸿1, 舒波2, 董靓3, 陈阳2
关键词:  风景园林  高密度城市  公众健康  小游园使用  社会人口因素
Factors Influencing the Use of Small Public Urban Green Space: A Case Study in Chengdu, China
GUO Tinghong1, SHU Bo2, DONG Liang3, CHEN Yang2
1.Chongqing Jiaotong University;2.Southwest Jiaotong University;3.Huaqiao University
Urban public green space is an important health resource. Its role in public health promotion is closely related to the use behavior. Taking small public urban green space (SPUGS) in the center of Chengdu as cases, the article makes quantitative analysis of the use of SPUGS and its main influencing factors and mechanism under the background of high-density city. The descriptive analysis shows that SPUGS is easier to use nearby by people in their daily life, compared to large urban parks. The multivariate logistic regression analysis shows that age, education, income, children under 6 and distance travelled are significantly related to the use frequency, and age, gender and income have bigger impacts on the main motivations for visiting SPUGS. Our further discussion indicates that compared to distance travelled, the influence of motivations shaped by social-demographic factors on use frequency is more obvious. Finally, we put forward several planning and design proposals in response to motivation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  high density city  public health  use of small public green space  social-demographic factors
GUO Tinghong,SHU Bo,DONG Liang,CHEN Yang.Factors Influencing the Use of Small Public Urban Green Space: A Case Study in Chengdu, China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):87-92.