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冯君明, 李运远
关键词:  风景园林  遗产廊道  适宜性分析  保护策略
Protection of Cultural Heritage Corridor Based on Suitability Analysis —A Case Study of Ancient Great Wall in Xinrong District, Datong
FENG Junming, LI Yunyuan
Beijing Forestry University,
As a linear cultural landscape, the heritage corridor plays an important role in the process of urban development. In the face of the urbanization development environment, its cultural protection and transformation development will become an important way to inherit the historical context and enhance the vitality of the region. Meanwhile, it has put forward higher requirements on related theories. Taking this as the research direction and combining the research of suitability theory, this paper proposes the idea of combining this method with the heritage corridor protection. Firstly, it makes an overall analysis of the current situation of the research and practice of the heritage corridor, summarizing the protection and development needs; Secondly, it conducts suitability analysis taking the ancient Great Wall in Xinrong District of Datong City as an example, deepening the research of heritage resources and environment in the course of analysis. Finally, it reaches specific protection strategies in combination of the suitability conclusion and field investigation, covering the three aspects of heritage restoration, corridor protection, and regional coordination, subsequently realizing the practical application of suitability analysis in heritage corridor protection.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cultural heritage corridor  suitability analysis  protection strategy
FENG Junming,LI Yunyuan.Protection of Cultural Heritage Corridor Based on Suitability Analysis —A Case Study of Ancient Great Wall in Xinrong District, Datong[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):93-98.