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尹航, 赵鸣
关键词:  风景园林  鲁中山区  泉水村落  水系统  乡土景观  田野调查
“Water System” of Spring Villages in Low Hilly Areas of Central Shandong Province
YIN Hang, ZHAO Ming
Beijing Forestry University,
Water is an important component of the spring village landscape in the low hilly areas of central Shandong Province. Over the years, the local residents have created the “water system” of spring villages with distinct characteristics of northern mountainous areas under the influence of the unique natural and social environments. This paper, through field researches, mapping and interviews, has explored the important role of spring village locations to the formation of the environmental base of the “water system”, and the environmental chracteristics of the villages characterized by the “water system”. It has found out the components of the “water system”, summed up the macro and micro structures of the “water system”, and divided the macro structure into two subcirculatory systems and four subzones. The research has looked into the potential rules governing the spring village landscape in low hilly areas of central Shandong province, providing the basis for maintaining the stability of the habitat environement of spring villages and the transformation of the local landscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  central Shandong hilly areas  spring village  water system  local landscape  field research
YIN Hang,ZHAO Ming.“Water System” of Spring Villages in Low Hilly Areas of Central Shandong Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):105-109.