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余洋, 姜鑫, 张露思
关键词:  风景园林  生态实验  景观设计课程
Exploration of Design Course-Oriented Landscape Architecture Ecological Experimental Teaching Model
YU Yang, JIANG Xin, ZHANG Lusi
Harbin Institute of Technology,
The paper is a presentation on the design course-oriented ecological experimental teaching model of the School of Architecture in Harbin Institute of Technology. The main teaching content comprises the three parts of theory teaching, experimental teaching and design course application. Both the experimental content and experimental design are guided by the design course. The experimental results can be used as the basis for students’ cognition and analysis of site quantification, improving the accuracy and authenticity of ecological planning and design, and contributing to the cultivation of students’ basic ecological literacy and evidence-based design abilities. The innovation of the course is embodied in three aspects:1) Construct a three-in-one curriculum model of ecological experiment classes, theory classes and design classes; 2) Combine experience knowledge with evidence-based knowledge to cultivate students' design-experiment evidence-based thinking; 3) Cultivate the multi-disciplinary teamwork ability of students. The ecological experimental teaching has been widely carried out in the courses of garden design, plant landscape design, ecological park planning, and ecological park design. The teaching exploration of the ecological experimental course can enhance the scientific and research nature of the landscape architecture education, providing references for the construction and reform of the ecological educational curriculum system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological experiment  landscape design course
YU Yang,JIANG Xin,ZHANG Lusi.Exploration of Design Course-Oriented Landscape Architecture Ecological Experimental Teaching Model[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(12):125-129.