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赵晓龙1, 徐靖然1, 张波2
关键词:  风景园林  绿道  慢行系统  新闻框架  使用需求  专业启示
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“健康导向寒地绿色空间规划设计研究—基于多维特征与体力活动绩效耦合机理视角”(编号 51878206);国家自然科学基金重点项目“严寒地区城市微气候调节原理与设计方法研究”(编号 51438005)
The Use of Slow Traffic System in Guangdong Greenways from the Perspective of News Coverage
ZHAO Xiaolong1, XU Jingran1, ZHANG Bo2
1.School of Architecture in Harbin Institute of Technology,;2.University of Oklahoma
Urban greenway is an effective channel to build the slow traffic space in a city. The systematic planning and construction integrating the slow traffic space and greenways will become the future development trend. The news coverage of greenways reflects local residents’ views on the use of the slow traffic space in the greenways from the reporters’ perspective. This paper has analyzed 114 news reports from six major newspapers in Guangdong Province ranging between 2000 and December 2017, with such keywords as “greenway”, “hiking” and “cycling”. Based on the news frame theory, the paper has superimposed the three elements of greenway, hiking and application, to analyze the media’s construction of the production framework and text framework. It has probed into the characteristics of regional distribution and the trend of time change in the reports of greenway application, and summarized the use of the slow traffic system in greenways from the five aspects of accessibility, continuity, functionality, comfort, aesthetics and management. In line with the guidelines of the province for the planning and management of greenways, the paper puts forward improvement proposals from the angle of specifications and implementation, providing an important basis and complementary work for the study of the use of greenways and an effective method for the planners and management authorities to better understand the use of greenways.
Key words:  landscape architecture  greenway  slow traffic system  news framing  use requirements  
ZHAO Xiaolong,XU Jingran,ZHANG Bo.The Use of Slow Traffic System in Guangdong Greenways from the Perspective of News Coverage[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(1):86-90.