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王越, 林箐
关键词:  风景园林  景观体系  古青州城  营建智慧
基金项目:北京林业大学青年教师科学研究中长期项目“城乡生态网络构建”(编号 2015ZCQ-YL-02);北京市共建项目专项资助“城乡生态环境北京实验室”
The Construction of Ancient City Landscape System: A Case Study of Ancient Qingzhou City
WANG Yue, LIN Qing
Beijing Forestry University
In the context of rapid urbanization, the protection of ancient towns and the inheritance of historical heritage have become a focus of research. To study the construction wisdom of the ancient town landscape systems, this paper has cited the ancient Qingzhou as an example, studying the historical evolution of ancient Qingzhou in the first place, then dividing the landscape system elements into natural landscape, artificial system and image space element, and finally exploring the construction method of ancient Qingzhou landscape system in the five aspects of site selection, town construction, water system combination, landscape conformation, and artistic conception perception. By sorting out the local chronicles, selecting and re-painting the old maps, and applying the ArcGIS software-assisted research method, it proceeds from the perspective of landscape architecture, summing up the five aspects of construction wisdom of the landscape system of ancient Qingzhou, which are feature site selection under the influence of multiple factors, town construction integrating mountain-city-water system as a whole, water system construction meeting the needs of flood prevention, production and living, landscape construction on the basis of gardens and tourist attractions, and the construction of artistic conception with the “Eight Views” as the core. It has systematically sorted out the composition and characteristics of the landscape system of Qingzhou, to provide references for the inheritance of the historical heritage and geographical features in other cities of China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape system  ancient Qingzhou city  construction wisdom
WANG Yue,LIN Qing.The Construction of Ancient City Landscape System: A Case Study of Ancient Qingzhou City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(1):96-100.