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储一炜, 王欣
关键词:  风景园林  文化景观  严子陵钓台  隐逸文化  严子陵
On the Changes of Cultural Landscape of Yan Ziling Fishing Platform in Zhejiang Province
CHU Yiwei, WANG Xin
Zhejiang A&F University.
Yan Ziling Fishing Platform is an important component of the Chinese hermit cultural landscape. Through literature review and field investigation, this paper explores the historical changes of Yan Ziling Fishing Platform, which is separated into the three periods of the early days of formation, prosperity and development, and development in the Ming and Qing dynasties and the modern times. On the basis of the surveying map of the Fishing Platform, as well as ancient document descriptions, the paper presents a restoration of the Fishing Platform in its prime. It further analyzes the landscape formation and characteristics of the Fishing Platform from the perspectives of landscape shape, literati activities, and cultural heritage of the scenes, providing a reference for the protection of the cultural landscape of the Fishing Platform, as well as an approach for the research of the same type of cultural landscapes.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cultural landscape  Yan Ziling Fishing Platform  hermit culture  Yan Ziling
CHU Yiwei,WANG Xin.On the Changes of Cultural Landscape of Yan Ziling Fishing Platform in Zhejiang Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(1):106-110.