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著:(厄瓜多尔)亚历山德拉·罗萨里奥·蒙卡约·维加1, 译:方茗2, 校:吴焕3
介绍了位于洛哈市西南的提阿拉斯·科罗拉达斯(Tierras Coloradas)街区绿地和城市形象提升项目。以风景园林参与式设计方法为基础,该方法分5个阶段开展,从民众的主观批判精神开始,构成了参与行动的原动力。整个过程是在社区普及教学的进程中制定的,妇女是必须的参与者,共同找出邻里的问题和可能的解决办法。为此,普及教学是很有必要的,有助于未来社区项目的执行。重要的成果是,我们对部分城市街区进行了重新造林,改变了城市景观的形象,强化了社区体系, 促使社区在改善公共人行步道绿地方面开展合作。从专业的角度认为其主要效果是引导民众打破主观社区的非个人主观限制,为项目开展和参与打下基础。项目的整个社区干预过程是在高校、社区警察局、市政府等公共机构的支持下进行的,发挥着真正的协同作用,并齐心协力致力于该区块邻里间的自我发展,为未来与自然环境的友好关系奠定基础,这些都将影响社区的生活质量。
关键词:  社区  参与  社会行动  公共空间  绿地  城市景观
Green Participative Community: Social Action that Enhances the Urban Landscape
Author: (ECU) Alexandra del Rosario Moncayo Vega1, Translator: FANG Ming2, Proofreader: WU Huan3
1.Bolivarian Pontifical University, Colombia;2.Beijing Forestry University;3.Polytechnic University of Catalonia (ETSAB, UPC).
The current work presents the project for the improvement of green areas and urban image of the neighborhood Tierras Coloradas located to the southwest of the city of Loja. This work is based on the methodology of participative design of landscape architecture, which encompasses five stages, which begin with subjective processes in the critical conscience of the population that form the basis for the impulse towards participative action. These processes were developed in workshops with the community, in which women especially took part in defining the problems and possible solutions for their neighborhood. To this end it was necessary to provide them with information and education to execute their community project. As important results, we obtained sections of reforested city blocks that changed the image of the urban landscape, that strengthened the community and motivated it to work collaboratively in the improvement of existing green spaces next to public sidewalks. However, it is considered that the main result was to break the subjective impersonal boundary which then opened up to the subjective community, as a basis of action and participation. This whole process of social and technical intervention is done with the support of the academia and public institutions such as the community police and the Municipality of the city, working in true synergy and with a commitment to the self-development of neighbors of the sector and for laying the foundations of a future that is friendly with the natural environment, which will affect the quality of life of the community.
Key words:  community  participation  social action  public space  green areas  urban landscape
Author: (ECU) Alexandra del Rosario Moncayo Vega,Translator: FANG Ming,Proofreader: WU Huan.Green Participative Community: Social Action that Enhances the Urban Landscape[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):32-42.