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著:(阿根廷/西班牙)梅丽莎·佩索阿1, 著:(西班牙)宝拉·奥尔杜尼亚2, 著:(西班牙)华金·萨巴特2, 译:林静静3, 校:王勤4
关键词:  风景园林  阿根廷  文化景观  研究  项目  表现
Cultural Landscapes in Argentina Research, Project and Representation
Author: (ARG / ESP) Melisa Pesoa1, Author: (ESP) Paula Ordu?a2, Author: (ESP) Joaquín?Sabaté2, Translator: LIN Jingjing3, Proofreader: WANG Qin4
1.Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina;2.Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya;3.Beijing Forestry University;4.Emotional Architecture R+D Studio
This article aims to contribute to the use of the concept "cultural landscape" as a tool for the analysis and development of territorial projects in Argentina. In the first part, we intend to summarize some views on the concept of cultural landscape, about the origin of the term, its diffusion and the possibilities and paradoxes that it implies. In the second part, we discuss the way in which this concept becomes a project tool, while in the third part, we highlight the central role that drawing has in the analysis and project. In the fourth part, we present two case study that illustrate the problems we enunciate in the preceding sections. Finally, the conclusions take up the possibilities, challenges and paradoxes of this way of projecting in which the detailed study of the identity of the territory makes it possible to find a way to manage it in a way that reverts to local development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Argentina  cultural landscapes  research  project  representation
Author: (ARG / ESP) Melisa Pesoa,Author: (ESP) Paula Ordu?a,Author: (ESP) Joaquín?Sabaté,Translator: LIN Jingjing,Proofreader: WANG Qin.Cultural Landscapes in Argentina Research, Project and Representation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):43-52.