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李仓拴, 刘晖, 杨伊婷, 李云昀
中国西北干旱城市建成环境绿地生境主要特征表现为破碎化、规模大、尺度小和生境多样化,但在现实中其设计方式单一,绿地空间和生境资源被浪费,亟待找到适宜的生态设计途径。以西安建筑科技大学2个生境花园的实践和实验研究为例,提出以1m×1m作为基本尺度单元的“生境营造+地被群落” 设计模式。“生境营造”以光照和水作为主导生境因子划分生境类型,并在场地设计时优化生境条件。“地被群落”设计可以师法西北地区多样化的自然草地群落原型,结合8种群落设计的基本模式,营造多样性、动态性的城市植物群落景观,降低管理维护成本,提高群落的生态效益和可持续性。
关键词:  西北干旱城市  城市破碎化绿地  生境多样性  生境营造  植物群落设计
基金项目:西北城市绿地生境多样性营造多解模式设计方法研究(编号 51878531);西咸新区沣西新城海绵城市应用基础研究与技术开发计划项目“西北地区生物滞留设施景观植物群落适宜性设计研究”(编号 2017022);陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目“西安市城市绿地生境营造及植物群落种植设计方法研究”(编号 16JK1460)
Plant Community Design Approaches for Fragmented Green Space Habitats in Northwest China Arid Cities
LI Cangshuan, LIU Hui, YANG Yiting, LI Yunyun
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
The green space habitats established in northwest China arid cities are known for the main features of fragmentation, large scale, small size, and habitat diversification. However, they are designed in simple ways, which result in heavy waste of the green space and habitat resources. It is urgent to find proper ways of ecological design. This thesis takes the design practice of two habitat gardens in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology as an example, and puts forward the design model of “site-habitat design + ground cover community” with 1m × 1m as the basic scale unit. In the “site-habitat design”, it takes light and water as the dominant factors to classify the habitat types, and optimize the habitat conditions in site design. In the “ground cover community” design, it follows the diverse prototypes of natural grassland communities in northwest China, along with the basic models of eight kinds of community designs, to create diverse, dynamic landscape of urban plant communities, reduce management and maintenance costs, and improve the ecological efficiency and sustainability of the communities.
Key words:  arid cities in northwest China  urban fragmented green space  habitat diversification  habitat construction  plant community design
LI Cangshuan,LIU Hui,YANG Yiting,LI Yunyun.Plant Community Design Approaches for Fragmented Green Space Habitats in Northwest China Arid Cities[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):88-93.