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吴海堂1, 孙丰宾2, 晏海1, 邵锋3
关键词:  城市公园  大气颗粒物浓度  游客量  气象因子  节假日效应
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号 51508515);浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划(编号 2018R412044)
Characteristics of Atmospheric Particulates Concentration in Urban Parks during Holidays and Festivals
WU Haitang1, SUN Fengbin2, YAN Hai1, SHAO Feng3
1.Zhejiang A&F University;2.Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University;3.Beijing Forestry University,
Choosing the Huagang Guanyu Park in the West Lake scenic spot, Hangzhou, as the object of study, this paper explores the relationship of the concentration of atmospheric particulates (PM2.5 and PM10), tourist volume, meteorological factors and types of plant communities during holidays and non-holidays, and probes into the characteristics of PM in the Huagang Guanyu Park during holidays from the macro, medium and micro views, so as to provide references and basis for the scientific construction of city parks. The results show that the concentration of atmospheric particulates are apparently different during festivals and other days. From the macro view, the main air pollutants of Hangzhou's urban areas during New Year’s Day in 2018 were PM2.5 and PM10, and the average concentrations during the festival were 102±41.51 µg.m-3 and 155±64.86 µg.m-3 respectively, which were 1.6 times and 1.7 times of the non-festival level. Yuhang District, Xiaoshan District and Xiacheng District were the most affected by the festival in Hangzhou. From the medium view, there arose peaks with acute and jagged amplitudes in the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 in Huagang Guanyu Park during the festival, while there were troughs with smaller amplitudes in the afternoon during the non-festival days. The characteristics of the influencing factors are as follows: tourist volume is more correlated with the concentration of atmospheric particulates during the festival, and the sightseeing activities have greater impacts on the PM10; the influence of meteorological factors have a greater impact on PM10 than PM2.5. From the micro view, the concentration of PM2.5 on three pieces of green spaces with different plant communities are as follows: dense jungle > pure woods > lawn.
Key words:  city park  atmospheric particulates concentration  tourist volume  meteorological factors  holiday effect
WU Haitang,SUN Fengbin,YAN Hai,SHAO Feng.Characteristics of Atmospheric Particulates Concentration in Urban Parks during Holidays and Festivals[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(3):87-92.