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著:(美)韦恩·弗赖蒙德1, 译:黄澄2, 校:庄优波2
关键词:  国家公园管理  合作伙伴关系  实习  美国教育系统  生态系统合作研究单元
University and National Park Partnerships: Classrooms, Outdoor Laboratories and Windows to the World
Author: (USA) Wayne A. Freimund1, Translator: HUANG Cheng2, Proofreader: ZHUANG Youbo2
1.Clemson University, United States;2.Tsinghua University
The National Park System in the United States celebrated its first 100 years in 2016. University partners have been engaged through much of that century to provide scientific, education and training support. Parks become a learning place for students at an early age. College students work as interns and seasonal employees during their education. Graduate students provided needed research as they complete thesis and dissertation projects and all involved become better teachers about National Park Values. This support assists with meeting conservation goals and solving problems. At the same time, National Parks provide practical platforms to enrich learning experiences for students at school and after graduation. Administrative structures are in place to facilitate communication, contracting and partnership opportunities. Together, university and National Park partnerships in the United States create a strong mutual relationship benefiting both academic and practice interests, providing an example for the world and for the establishment of National Parks in China.
Key words:  national parks management  partnerships  internships  education system in the United States  Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units
Author: (USA) Wayne A. Freimund,Translator: HUANG Cheng,Proofreader: ZHUANG Youbo.University and National Park Partnerships: Classrooms, Outdoor Laboratories and Windows to the World[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):20-27.