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张振威1, 杨锐2
关键词:  国家公园  自然保护  景观保护  特殊科学价值场地  自然2000  景观特征评估
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号51608295);北京市教委社科计划重点项目(编号SZ201810016009);国家社会科学基金重大项目(编号 14ZDB142)
Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection: A Dualistic Method of UK National Parks Protection and Its Mechanism
ZHANG Zhenwei1, YANG Rui2
1.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;2.Tsinghua University
To deal with complex practical problems, a delicate and comprehensive national park protection mechanism has been established in the UK, featuring distinct characteristics and important reference significance. Nature conservation and landscape protection, composing Dualistic Method of National Park Protection in the UK, are the projection of national institutions onto national parks. Based on this, there has been formed a key feature about UK national park protection, which taking the national institutions as the framework while being supplemented and strengthened at the national park level. Firstly, the biodiversity-oriented nature conservation mechanism and strengthening measures at the national park level are systematically explained. Secondly, character assessment-based landscape protection mechanism is analyzed. On this basis, significance of UK national parks’ experiences is revealed as conclusions to enlighten the emerging of national park mechanism in China.
Key words:  national park  natural conservation  landscape protection  SSSIs  Natura 2000  landscape character assessment
ZHANG Zhenwei,YANG Rui.Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection: A Dualistic Method of UK National Parks Protection and Its Mechanism[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):33-38.