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李存东, 赵文斌, 王洪涛, 张景华
关键词:  南宁园博园  心象自然  规划设计  创新思考  理想山水园林  自然生态遗产
Coordinating Balance of Man and Nature in Nature-oriented Methodology:Innovative Exploration of Overall Planning and Design of the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo Park
LI Cundong, ZHAO Wenbin, WANG Hongtao, ZHANG Jinghua
China Architecture Design and Research Group
Nature-oriented methodology, in essence, is to coordinate the balance between man and nature. This paper introduces in detail the innovative ideas of the planning and design of Nanning Garden Expo Park based on the nature-oriented ideology. It promotes the innovative general design contract mode. It sets out with sorting out the natural conditions, internalizes nature into the heart and, acquired by nature, generates the three strategies of “ecology, culture and sharing”. Then, it externalizes the strategies into the landscape design, formulating three characteristic patterns: 1) three lakes, six bridges and eighteen ridges; 2) one pavilion, four galleries and two centers; 3) eighty gardens and eight scenic spots. They combine to generate an ideal landscape of natural beauty and artificial exquisiteness, and presents a unique Garden Expo event for Nanning.
Key words:  Nanning Garden Expo Park  nature-oriented methodology  planning and design  innovative thinking  ideal landscape  natural heritage
LI Cundong,ZHAO Wenbin,WANG Hongtao,ZHANG Jinghua.Coordinating Balance of Man and Nature in Nature-oriented Methodology:Innovative Exploration of Overall Planning and Design of the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):51-55.