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李存东, 关午军, 巩磊, 朱燕辉
关键词:  闲置鱼塘  雨水花园  低影响  可持续  消纳雨水  植物净化  过程展示  艺术田园
Landscape Reconstruction from Idle Fish Pond to Rainwater Garden—Design of “Reed Grass Overlapping Pond” Scenic Spot of the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo
LI Cundong, GUAN Wujun, Gong Lei, ZHU Yanhui
China Architecture Design and Research Group
Taking the “Reed Grass Overlapping Pond” scenic area design in Nanning International Garden Expo as an example, this paper discusses how to transfer abandoned ponds in the site into better landscape, which adapts the Garden Expo functions and has elastic developing space in the future, providing reference for the development and design of similar projects.. It adopts the low-impact ecological philosophy to absorb rainwater and filter river water and blend them into human activities. By taking the manifestation of water as the main line throughout the landscape design, it creates the rainwater garden with artistic atmosphere. The scenic spot has become one of the most popular sights in the Garden Expo. The design has well balanced the exhibition and post-session development, providing a new idea for building ecologically sustainable gardens.
Key words:  idle fish pond  rainwater garden  low-impact development  sustainable development  plant purification  process expression  art idyll
LI Cundong,GUAN Wujun,Gong Lei,ZHU Yanhui.Landscape Reconstruction from Idle Fish Pond to Rainwater Garden—Design of “Reed Grass Overlapping Pond” Scenic Spot of the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):73-76.