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宋霖, 周宏俊
关键词:  白居易  置石造景  赏石  庐山草堂  履道坊宅园  太湖石
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号 51508392);上海市浦江人才计划(编号 15PJC096)
BAI Juyi’s Garden Rockery Conception and Landscaping Construction
SONG Lin, ZHOU Hongjun
Tongji University
Based on BAI Juyi's poems related to rockeries in gardens, this paper analyzes the contents and methods of making landscapes with rockeries in his works such as building a platforms, stacking islands and setting rockeries, and also summarizes his aesthetic theory of loving, appreciating rockeries and taking them as sceneries. It also clarifies BAI Juyi's important position in the history of gardening in China, especially in guiding the theory and practice of making landscapes in gardens with rockeries and establishing theory by appreciating rockeries. This paper also demonstrates that under BAI Juyi’s thought of love for nature, whether gardens exist in the natural scenery has influence on his idea of making landscapes in gardens with rockeries and appreciating them. It reveals the similarities and differences and the changing process of borrowing scenery by building platforms in the Lushan Cottage, creating landscapes by stacking rockeries in cities and appreciating them as landscapes.
Key words:  BAI Juyi  making landscapes with rockeries  rockery appreciation  Lushan Cottage  Lvdaofang garden  Taihu Lake Rockery
SONG Lin,ZHOU Hongjun.BAI Juyi’s Garden Rockery Conception and Landscaping Construction[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):111-115.