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韩炜杰, 王一岚, 郭巍
关键词:  风景园林  无人机  航测  遥感  倾斜摄影
Application Research of UAV Aerial Survey in Landscape Architecture
HAN Weijie, WANG Yilan, GUO Wei
Beijing Forestry University
With the popularization of civil UAVs in recent years, UAVs are frequently used in landscape architecture. However, most applications are still based on UAV aerial photography. The use of UAV aerial photogrammetry with greater application potential is relatively rare in the landscape industry and is less well known. Most researches focus on the application of specific cases and fail to systematically recognize and introduce them. This paper briefly introduces the UAV remote sensing system and common sensor types. Through literature synthesis and project practice, it systematically organizes the research and application progress of UAV aerial photogrammetry at home and abroad, then, it is concluded that the application of UAV aerial photogrammetry in landscape architecture can be divided into 3 aspects: traditional aerial photogrammetry, oblique photogrammetry, and various sensor remote sensing. Finally, it is pointed out that the development of traditional aerial photogrammetry is the most mature, the possibility of popularization and application is the largest in a short period of time, the oblique photogrammetry is the most efficient, and the long-term development potential of various sensor remote sensing is the greatest. We look forward to the promising research area of UAV-based landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  UAV  aerial photogrammetry  remote sensing  oblique photogrammetry
HAN Weijie,WANG Yilan,GUO Wei.Application Research of UAV Aerial Survey in Landscape Architecture[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):35-40.