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刘江1, 杨玲2, 黄丽坤1
关键词:  风景园林  声景体验  声景感知指标  声景设计  生态型城市公园
基金项目:福建省教育厅高校杰出青年科研人才计划项目;福建省自然科学基金项目(编号 2017J01694);国家自然科学基金(编号 51508101)
Research on the Influential Factors of Soundscape Experience in Urban Ecological Park
LIU Jiang1, YANG Ling2, HUANG Likun1
1.Fuzhou University.;2.Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Urban ecological parks are important recreational space for urban residents. Soundscape quality is closely related to the satisfaction degree of people’s visiting experience in a park. Taking Jinshan Park in Fuzhou as an example, the research aimed to reveal the relationship between soundscape perception and visiting experience, as well as the influential factors through combined qualitative and quantitative analysis approach. The results showed that the preference for natural sounds was obvious, with bird song the highest. Traffic sound was the major sound related to landscape aesthetic degree. Playing children and music related sounds were the most important sounds affecting soundscape tranquility degree. Traffic sound, music related sounds and footsteps showed the most significant relationships with overall visiting satisfaction degree. Among all the social, demographical and behavioral factors, age, gender and educational background were the three most significant factors. People with different visit motivation could have significant difference in soundscape perception. The research results provided a theoretical basis for landscape and soundscape design in urban ecological parks.
Key words:  landscape architecture  soundscape experience  soundscape perception indicators  soundscape design  urban ecological park
LIU Jiang,YANG Ling,HUANG Likun.Research on the Influential Factors of Soundscape Experience in Urban Ecological Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):89-93.