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刘悦来1, 许俊丽2, 尹科娈2
关键词:  风景园林  公共空间  社区花园  参与式营造
基金项目:上海市城市更新及其空间优化技术重点实验室开放课题资助项目(编号 201820304)
Participatory Construction of Community Public Space in High-density Cities ——A Case Study of Community Gardens
LIU Yuelai1, XU Junli2, YIN Keluan2
1.Tongji University;2.Shanghai Clover Nature School
Under the new era background, in order to achieve organic renewal and sustainable development of community public space, the author attempts to explore a development path suitable for the integration of organic renewal and sustainable development of high-density urban public space through practical research and analysis. On the basis of summarizing the spatial characteristics and attributes of community gardens in Shanghai City, this paper proposes the four-level structure and three development approaches of participatory construction of community space, and gives suggestions on how to build the community from the perspectives of government publicity and guidance, social organization promotion and mining of community leaders. It analyzes how community gardens can achieve multiple co-governance through public participation, to make community building an organic part of daily life.
Key words:  landscape architecture  public space  community garden  participatory construction
LIU Yuelai,XU Junli,YIN Keluan.Participatory Construction of Community Public Space in High-density Cities ——A Case Study of Community Gardens[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):13-17.