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蒋鑫, 王向荣, 林箐
关键词:  风景园林  居民自发更新  胡同绿色空间  微更新
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 2015ZCQ-YL-02);北京市共建项目专项资助:城乡生态环境北京实验室
Research on Micro-renewal of Green Space in Beijing Hutong from the Perspective of Residents’ Spontaneous Renewal——Exploration in Dashilar Area
JIANG Xin, WANG Xiangrong, LIN Qing
Beijing Forestry University
Beijing old city hutong has a long tradition of green space construction. As the main body of green space renewal, community residents have great spontaneity and initiative in this respect. As the government promotes the policy of “reserving open space and increasing green area” in the city, the “bottom-up” micro-renewal of green space based on residents' spontaneous renewal has been getting more and more attention. Giving full play to the residents' spontaneity is of great significance to the preservation of the authenticity of community life, landscape management and maintenance, community strength cohesion. This paper firstly sorts out the development process of the community organization form in Dashilar area, analyzes the types and organization patterns of the existing hutong green space, and expounds the challenges faced in the renewal process. Then, with field research results, it analyzes the characteristics of the planting space, construction materials and plant selection in hutong under residents' spontaneous renewal. Finally, with specific cases, it discusses the ways of realizing green micro-renewal in hutong under the residents' spontaneous renewal perspective in terms of organizational forms, greening modes and thought innovation, and summarizes the green space micro-renewal experience.
Key words:  landscape architecture  residents' spontaneous renewal  hutong green space  micro-renewal
JIANG Xin,WANG Xiangrong,LIN Qing.Research on Micro-renewal of Green Space in Beijing Hutong from the Perspective of Residents’ Spontaneous Renewal——Exploration in Dashilar Area[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):18-22.