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王云才, 薛竣桓
关键词:  风景园林  棕地  生态修复  生态智慧  太原市
The Logic and Strategies of Brownfield Restoration in Taiyuan City Under the Guidance of Ecological Wisdom
WANG Yuncai, XUE Junhuan
Tongji University
Urban ecosystem is a complex artificial system. The rapid predatory development of cities has led to a series of ecological problems, such as sharp decrease of green ecological space, water resource shortage, serious pollution, prominent heat island effect and large urban brownfields with serious pollution. This paper takes brownfields in a traditional natural resource-exhausted city as a typical case, proposing that urban brownfields must be restored with ecological wisdom. It menaces to build an urban brownfield ecological restoration framework inspired ecological wisdom. Based on the practices of ecological restoration in Taiyuan city, it has put forward ecological restoration countermeasures including brownfield ecological safety, function and landscape restoration, and proposed ecological wisdom strategies including diverse regeneration by stages and types, function revitalization by land use and planting and greening with anti- pollution community.
Key words:  landscape architecture  brownfield  ecological restoration  ecological wisdom  Taiyuan City
WANG Yuncai,XUE Junhuan.The Logic and Strategies of Brownfield Restoration in Taiyuan City Under the Guidance of Ecological Wisdom[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):53-57.