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林广思1, 李雪丹2, 茌文秀1
城市公园游憩体验的研究对于解决多样化的游憩需求与有限的游憩资源之间的矛盾具有重要意义。将游憩机会谱理论应用于城市公园游憩体验质量改善,提出环境–活动游憩机会谱模型(E-A ROS)。以广州珠江公园为例,采用问卷调查法和SPSS统计分析法,从物质、社会、管理3个方面构建珠江公园环境质量评价的指标体系和指标量化方法,从人口统计学特征、行为特征和行为偏好3个方面进行活动因子研究,探讨珠江公园使用者活动规律,构建珠江公园游憩机会谱。从而为城市公园环境–活动游憩机会谱模型的应用提供了详细的操作指引。
关键词:  游憩机会谱  环境–活动模型  游憩需求  游憩体验  城市公园
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号 51678242);中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(编号2017ZD033)
Research of Model of Environment-Activity Recreation Opportunity Spectrum in Urban Parks: A Case Study of the Pearl River Park in Guangzhou
LIN Guangsi1, LI Xuedan2, CHI Wenxiu1
1.Architecture, South China University;2.Greentown South China Investment Development Co. Ltd
To solve the contradiction between diversified recreation needs and limited recreational resources, we study the recreation experience in urban parks. The paper applies recreation opportunity spectrum to improve the quality of urban park recreation experience, and puts forward to the concept of E-A ROS model. Taking the Pearl River Park as a case, we adopt questionnaire and SPSS statistical analysis to construct the index system of environmental quality assessment in the Pearl River Park and study the activity factors of users from three aspects: demographic characteristics, behavioral characteristics and behavioral preferences, and probe into the rules of user activities in the Pearl River Park. We construct the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum of the Pearl River Park. Based on the study of the Pearl River Park, this paper provides detailed instructions on the application of E-A ROS model.
Key words:  Recreation Opportunity Spectrum  environment-activity model  recreation demand  recreation experience  urban park
LIN Guangsi,LI Xuedan,CHI Wenxiu.Research of Model of Environment-Activity Recreation Opportunity Spectrum in Urban Parks: A Case Study of the Pearl River Park in Guangzhou[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):72-78.