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钟乐, 杨锐, 赵智聪
关键词:  风景园林  暗夜星空  评述  国家公园  保护管理  境其地
Half the Park Is After Dark: America’s Experience and China’s Route in the Study of Night Skies
ZHONG Le, YANG Rui, ZHAO Zhicong
Tsinghua University
Night Skies is a comprehensive carrier of natural, cultural, economic and wilderness values. In this way, U.S. National Park Service points out that “half the park is after dark” and it has made superior achievements in conservation and utilization of night skies. In contrast, in China, although countless researches have focused on national parks and the protected area system, few are related to night skies. This paper introduces the experience of the U.S. National Park Service on night skies conservation, including the definition, protective value and requirements. By analyzing the conservative advantages of the U.S. national park system units, it summarizes the conservation and management measures of Night Skies, such as monitoring, planning and design, visitor management, event organization, value display, legal protection, as well as international cooperation. Finally, the paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of carrying out the conservation measures and research programs of night skies in China, and proposes suggestions in this field from the angles of method, theory and technology.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Night Skies  critical review  national parks  conservation and management  Jing-qi-di
ZHONG Le,YANG Rui,ZHAO Zhicong.Half the Park Is After Dark: America’s Experience and China’s Route in the Study of Night Skies[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):85-90.