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王应临, 王舒
关键词:  风景园林  曲水流觞  《兰亭集序》  山水环境模式  环境要素  《四部丛刊》
Study on Traditional Scenery Pattern of Curved Brook for Drinking and Poetry: In the Perspective of Text Research of Si Bu Cong Kan
WANG Yinglin, WANG Shu
Beijing Forestry University
The Curved Brook for Drinking and Poetry, a Chinese traditional scenery pattern, is a motif portrayed repeatedly in poems, paintings, calligraphies and gardens of successive dynasties. This paper makes a rational analysis of the environmental changes and factors, to provide a basis for its continuous inheritance in modern and contemporary landscape architecture. Based on the retrieval of keywords “Liu Shang” in Si Bu Cong Kan, the paper explores the service condition of “Liu Shang” in different periods, forms of literature and semantics, with the methods of data statistics, semantic analysis and text analysis. It further studies the development process and environmental elements of the pattern of Curved Brook for Drinking and Poetry. This paper concludes that the pattern of Curved Brook for Drinking and Poetry mainly relies on three situations: natural environments, gardens and historic relics and architectures, involving four types of environmental elements: mountain terrains, plants, waters and architectures. There are differences in the application of various environmental elements in different situations. Water element is especially essential in all environments. In the end, we discussed the importance of the Curved Brook for Drinking and Poetry in Chinese traditional literati gardens.
Key words:  landscape architecture  the Curved Brook for Drinking and Poetry  the orchid pavilion  scenery pattern  environmental elements  Si Bu Cong Kan
WANG Yinglin,WANG Shu.Study on Traditional Scenery Pattern of Curved Brook for Drinking and Poetry: In the Perspective of Text Research of Si Bu Cong Kan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(7):113-117.