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著:(新加坡)林良任1, 著:(新加坡)陈莉娜1, 著:(新加坡)鲁 · 艾德里安 · 福铭1, 译:邢子博2, 校:张天洁2, 校:(新加坡)李天娇1
自 1963 年以来,新加坡开展实施了绿化计划,并经历了从“花园城市”到“花园中的亲生态城市”的演变。为了在新加坡实现生物多样性保护,国家公园局制定了自然保护蓝图,重点介绍该规划实施的关键是利用技术创新。新加坡城市生物多样性指数是一种评价生物多样性成效的自我评估工具,已在全球范围内的多个城市得到应用。
关键词:  风景园林  城市生物多样性保护  亲生态城市  自然保护蓝图  监测工具  新加坡
Enhancing Biodiversity in Urban Areas: The Singapore Model
Authors:(SGP) Lim Liang Jim1, Authors:(SGP) Chan Lena1, Authors:(SGP) Loo Adrian Hock Beng1, Translator: XING Zibo2, Proofreaders: ZHANG Tianjie2, Proofreaders:(SGP) LI Tianjiao1
1.National Parks Board of Singapore;2.Tianjin University
Singapore has embarked on a greening programme since 1963, evolving from a garden city to a biophilic city in a garden. To effect biodiversity conservation in Singapore, the National Parks Board formulated a Nature Conservation Masterplan and its implementation with a focus on the use technological innovation is highlighted in this paper. The Singapore index on cities’ biodiversity which is a self-assessment tool for the evaluation of biodiversity efforts has been applied in cities globally.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban biodiversity conservation  biophilic city  Nature Conservation Masterplan  monitoring tools  Singapore
引用本文:著:(新加坡)林良任,著:(新加坡)陈莉娜,著:(新加坡)鲁 · 艾德里安 · 福铭,译:邢子博,校:张天洁,校:(新加坡)李天娇.增进城市地区生物多样性——以新加坡模式为例[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):25-34.
Authors:(SGP) Lim Liang Jim,Authors:(SGP) Chan Lena,Authors:(SGP) Loo Adrian Hock Beng,Translator: XING Zibo,Proofreaders: ZHANG Tianjie,Proofreaders:(SGP) LI Tianjiao.Enhancing Biodiversity in Urban Areas: The Singapore Model[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):25-34.