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蒋理1, 殷振轩 *2, 刘晓2
关键词:  风景园林  公园绿地  可达性  供给  人均有效绿地面积  位置大数据  玉林市
Study on Urban Park Green Space Supply Based on Accessibility Analysis: A Case Study of Yulin City, Guangxi
JIANG Li1, YIN Zhenxuan*2, LIU Xiao2
1.Tongji University;2.Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Co.,Ltd
The spatial distribution and supply of urban park green space have an important impact on the play of their service functions. The quantitative index of per capita park green space area has ignored the issues of accessibility and spatial difference of actual per capita park green space level. As urban green space resources are in short supply, high requirements are raised for the accurate supply of urban park green space. With data analysis based on the Internet location big data platform, this paper has evaluated the accessibility of park green space under different travel modes, put forward the concept of effective per capita green space area from the perspective of accessibility, to analyze the spatial distribution and supply of park green space in the central urban area of Yulin city, and proposed optimization strategy and scheme based on the evaluation results, providing a new idea for the layout of urban park green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  park green space  accessibility  supply  effective per capita green space area  location big data  Yulin City
引用本文:蒋理,殷振轩 *,刘晓.基于可达性分析的城市公园绿地供给研究——以广西玉林市为例[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):83-88.
JIANG Li,YIN Zhenxuan*,LIU Xiao.Study on Urban Park Green Space Supply Based on Accessibility Analysis: A Case Study of Yulin City, Guangxi[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):83-88.