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蓝思琪, 罗涛, 黄丽坤, 刘江 *
中国已进入老龄化加速发展时期,如何适应老龄化社会的特殊环境需求是未来社区建设和景观规划的新视角。以福建省为例,通过大规模现场问卷调查,利用数理统计方法解析居民年龄及地方依恋程度对自然景观偏好的影响。结果发现: 1)年龄对自然景观偏好有显著影响,地方依恋对自然景观偏好无显著影响; 2)老年人(≥ 60 岁)与儿童(6~9 岁)的“弱”认知特征,使两组人群的自然景观偏好度较低,表现出老年人向“儿童化”回归的现象; 3)青年(15~19 岁)、中年组(20~59 岁)自然景观偏好度明显高于老年组和儿童组,且青年组偏好度最高,可能是教育程度和时代背景影响所致。研究结果对社会老龄化背景下合理完善社区景观规划设计与管理具有指导性意义。
关键词:  风景园林  环境认知  问卷调查  审美差异  福建省  老龄化  景观偏好
基金项目:“十三五”国家重点研发计划(编号 2016YFC0502903);国家自然科学基金(编号 51508101);福建省自然科学基金计划面上项目(编号 2017J01694)
Comparison of Natural Landscape Preferences and Enlightenment under the Background of Social Aging
LAN Siqi, LUO Tao, HUANG Likun, LIU Jiang*
Fuzhou University
As China has been facing an aggravating trend of aging population, how to adapt to the special environmental needs of an aging society will be a new perspective of community construction and landscape planning in the future. Taking Fujian Province as an example, this paper, based on large-scale on-site questionnaires, analyzes the effects of residents’ age and place attachment on their preferences for natural landscape. The results indicate that: 1) Age has a significant effect on natural landscape preference, but place attachment leaves no significant impact on this aspect. 2) The “weak” cognitive characteristics of the elderly (over 60 years old) and children (6~9 year olds) lead to lower natural landscape preference with the two groups, showing the return of the elderly to “childhood”. 3) The natural landscape preference of the young people (15~19 years old) and the middle-aged people (20~59 years old) are significantly higher than the elderly and children, and the young people show the highest preference in particular, which may be a result of the educational level and the background of the times. The results of the study are of guiding significance to the rational improvement of community landscape planning, design and management in the background of social ageing.
Key words:  landscape architecture  environment cognition  questionnaire survey  aesthetic difference  Fujian Province  aging  landscape preferences
引用本文:蓝思琪,罗涛,黄丽坤,刘江 *.社会老龄化背景下的自然景观偏好比较及启示[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):101-105.
LAN Siqi,LUO Tao,HUANG Likun,LIU Jiang*.Comparison of Natural Landscape Preferences and Enlightenment under the Background of Social Aging[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):101-105.