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王敬儒, 岳邦瑞 *, 兰泽青
在河流生态修复的研究中,理论与实践之间存在着落差,风景园林学正是整合不同学科理论并最终转化为实践的最佳途径。本研究的核心工作是将河流生态修复中的理论转化为风景园林设计语言,即生态设计手法,主要采用 T-P-C(Theory-Pattern-Case)法。首先对河流空间要素进行分析,再依据相关自然科学技术原理,转译出一组设计法则,最后结合河流生态问题,提炼出“改造边滩蜿蜒度”“生态河床”“生态筑坝”等 15 种河段尺度的生态设计手法,为设计师提供一套生态性、空间性、归纳性、尺度性和类型性的设计工具。
关键词:  风景园林设计  河流生态修复  生态设计手法  T-P-C 法
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51578437)
Translation from Principles of Natural Science and Technology to Design Language of Landscape Architecture: Study on Ecological Design Techniques of River Reach Scale
WANG Jingru, YUE Bangrui*, LAN Zeqing
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
There is a gap between theory and practice in the study of river ecological restoration. Landscape architecture science is the best way to integrate theories of various disciplines and eventually transform them into practice. The core of this study is to transform the theory of river ecological restoration into landscape design language, i. e. ecological design techniques, mainly with the T-P-C (Theory-Pattern-Case) method. Firstly, it analyzes the spatial elements of rivers, and then translates a set of design rules according to relevant principles of natural science and technology. Finally, along with ecological problems of rivers, it extracts 15 ecological design techniques under river reach scale, such as “flood land bending reconstruction”, “ecological riverbed”, “ecological dam reconstruction”, to provide designers with a set of ecological, spatial, inductive, multi-scale and typological design tools.
Key words:  landscape architecture design  river ecological restoration  ecological design techniques  TheoryPattern-Case method
引用本文:王敬儒,岳邦瑞 *,兰泽青.从自然科学技术原理向风景园林设计语言转译——河段尺度下的生态设计手法研究[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):111-115.
WANG Jingru,YUE Bangrui*,LAN Zeqing.Translation from Principles of Natural Science and Technology to Design Language of Landscape Architecture: Study on Ecological Design Techniques of River Reach Scale[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):111-115.