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孙传致, (荷)斯特芬·奈豪斯, (英)格雷戈里·布拉肯
关键词:  风景园林  适应性城市转型  水敏设计  多尺度策略  基塘系统  景观设计原则
基金项目:中国国家自然科学基金委员会、荷兰科学研究组织和英国工程和自然科学研究委员会联合研究项目:适应性城市转型(编号ALWSD 2016.013 可持续三角洲项目)
Learning from Agri-Aquaculture for Multiscale Water-Sensitive Design in the Pearl River Delta
SUN Chuanzhi, (NLD) Steffen Nijhuis, (GBR) Gregory Bracken
Delft University of Technology
The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is a river dominated floodplain in southeast China. Decreasing space for water, through dike-ring construction, channelization, and urbanization, has led to increased flood risk from river, rain, and sea. To protect from flood risk, a more adaptive urbanization strategy is required; one takes into account a multiscale approach while investigating agri-aquaculture, i.e. ecological agriculture, for example, the dike-pond system which makes use of traditional watermanagement methods. The objective of this article is to identify landscape architecture principles for multiscale water-sensitive design based on traditional agri-aquacultural practices in the region. In the Shunde district (a flood prone lowland located between the Xijiang River and Beijiang River of the PRD) there is a centuries’ old tradition of working with water via integrated agri-aquaculture systems. By learning from traditional agri-aquacultural practices, new design principles can be developed to mitigate flood risk while allowing for increased but sustainable urbanization, not just for the Shunde district, but also for the PRD, so that these areas can be more resilient to floods in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  adaptive urban transformation  water-sensitive design  multiscale strategy  dike-pond system  landscape design principles
SUN Chuanzhi,(NLD) Steffen Nijhuis,(GBR) Gregory Bracken.Learning from Agri-Aquaculture for Multiscale Water-Sensitive Design in the Pearl River Delta[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(9):31-44.