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陈碧琳1, 孙一民*1, 李颖龙2
珠江三角洲(简称“珠三角”)城市普遍受到气候变化和城市扩张的干扰,广州琶洲中东区作为珠三角的微观城市组团,是珠三角韧性演进表达的载体,以其为例探索整合城市与生态环境的韧性设计机制。首先辨析了城市韧性的分析方法、策略及评价体系,对珠三角的脆弱性进行背景研究;然后通过对琶洲中东区的脆弱性分析和灾害模拟,提出3 个层次的韧性整合策略,包括连接现有破碎的蓝绿系统的结构性策略,构建基于公共交通为导向(TODs)、垂直水岸的步行可达空间的连接方式以及分散式雨水存储系统与多用堤岸模式的节点处理;最后利用GIS、Fragstats 和Depthmap 等软件平台和数据分析手段,对韧性策略和设计方案进行评估并给予反馈,从而构建起微观城市组团层面全过程的“分析—策略—方案—反馈”的韧性城设计框架。结果表明:运用基于“策略—反馈”机制的方案设计有助于提升景观连接度、空间集成度,有效适应洪涝干扰,更好地落实城市韧性。
关键词:  风景园林  韧性城市  绿色基础设施  气候适应性  景观格局
基金项目:国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(编号 51761135025);广州市科技计划项目(编号 201707020041)
Resilient Urban Design of Central and Eastern Pazhou Based on “Strategy- Feedback” Mechanism
CHEN Bilin1, SUN Yimin*1, LI Yinglong2
1.South China University of Technology;2.Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province
Cities in the Pearl River Delta area are generally affected by climate change and urban expansion. As a component of the Pearl River Delta micro-city cluster, central and eastern Pazhou of Guangzhou is the carrier of the Pearl River Delta evolutionary resilience. The paper takes it as an example to explore the resilience design mechanism for integrating urban and ecological environments. Firstly, it discriminates the analysis methods, strategies and evaluation systems of urban resilience, and launches a background research on the Pearl River Delta vulnerabilities. Secondly, with the vulnerability analysis and disaster simulation of central and eastern Pazhou, it puts forward three levels of resilience integration strategies, including the structural strategy to connect the existing fragmented blue-green systems, construct the walking accessible space connection mode based on transit-oriented development (TOD) and vertical waterfront, distributed rain water storage system, and the node processing for multi-purpose embankment model. Lastly, with the software platform of GIS, Fragstats and Depthmap, and data analysis means, it evaluates and gives feedback on the resilience strategy and design scheme, so as to construct a whole-process resilient urban design mechanism featuring “analysis – strategy - scheme - feedback” for the micro-city cluster. The result shows that the resilient urban design based on the “strategy - feedback” mechanism helps to improve the landscape connectivity and spatial integration, effectively adapt to the flood interference, and better implement urban resilience.
Key words:  landscape architecture  resilient city  green infrastructure  climate adaptability  landscape pattern
CHEN Bilin,SUN Yimin*,LI Yinglong.Resilient Urban Design of Central and Eastern Pazhou Based on “Strategy- Feedback” Mechanism[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(9):57-65.