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著:(英)亚当·汤姆金斯, 著:(德)埃卡特·兰格, 译:陈琦
气候变迁,特别是洪水问题给地处三角洲的城市带来了与日俱增的风险。作为应对手段,提出一种整合性的洪水风险管理方法,该方法确保了洪水风险沟通在洪水风险管理战略中的重要地位。洪水的可视化作为洪水风险沟通的一种工具,在改变人们对洪水风险的观念方面有着强大的作用。它可以通过互动的方式,使当地的利益相关者了解洪水的剩余风险和未来风险。其中增强现实技术作为一种可视化手段,它的快速发展与应用为风景园林设计、规划与教育等领域提供了崭新的交互方式。首先,探讨增强现实技术(AR)在洪水风险沟通中的应用现状,并重点关注增强现实技术的2 个关键应用领域:对现场决策的支持和针对高层次设计的可视化与对景观干预的评估。随后,展示一种基于增强现实技术所开发的应用,该款创新性的应用为洪水风险沟通提供了一种轻量化的可视化手段。
关键词:  增强现实技术  洪水风险沟通  洪水可视化  交互式风景园林设计
Augmented Reality in Flood Risk Communication
Authors: (GBR) Adam Tomkins, Authors: (DEU) Eckart Lange, Translator: CHEN Qi
University of Sheffield
Delta cities are increasingly exposed to the risks of climate change, particularly flooding. To address the issue of increased flooding risk, integrated flood risk management methodologies have been adopted, ensuring that flood risk communication has become an important part of flood risk management strategies. Flood visualisation has proved to be a powerful tool in changing perceptions of flood risk by engaging local stakeholders to raise awareness of residual and future flood risk. Rapid advances in the development and adoption of Augmented Reality technology has created new interactive visualisation opportunities in Landscape Architecture design, planning and education. In this paper, we discuss the current state of Augmented Reality in flood risk communication and highlight two key areas: enhancing decision support on-site and visualising the effects of high-level design and evaluation of landscape interventions. We further demonstrate a novel, lightweight tool for flood-risk communication, using mobile Augmented Reality.
Key words:  Augmented Reality  flood risk communication  flood visualisation  interactive landscape architecture design
Authors: (GBR) Adam Tomkins,Authors: (DEU) Eckart Lange,Translator: CHEN Qi.Augmented Reality in Flood Risk Communication[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(9):93-100.