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(日)下村彰男, 刘铭
日本国土面积虽小,却具备多样的地形条件和气候类型。经过长期磨合,日本各地人与自然的关系不尽相同,因此每个地域的景观也各具特色。从日本全国范围来看,景观的类型十分丰富。21 世纪之后,日本法律体系的调整强调了地域景观独特性的重要性,并将景观看作地域规划中的重要资源。为了适应这种景观价值观的变化,日本开始建立新的景观管理规划理论,并为景观管理提供新的思路和方法论,包括新的财务资源、执行组织等。根据这一趋势,风景园林师的职责和所需具备的素质能力也发生了改变。今后,风景园林设计师不仅需要能够创造新的景观(即景观设计),而且需要具备读取当地景观独特性(即风景解读)的能力。
关键词:  风景园林  特性  地域景观  风景解读  官民连携  社区发展
Unique Characteristics of Local Landscape and Its Sustainable Management in Japan
(JPN) Akio Shimomura, LIU Ming
University of Tokyo
Japan is a small country, but the natural environments are rich in diversified topography and on the weather. In addition to this, the history of the contact between man and nature is long, and the contact styles of each place are different. Therefore the unique landscape in each region which the relation between man and nature created historically exists variously nationwide. And after the 2000s, the importance of unique characteristics of the local landscape was emphasized in the legal system, and came to be recognized as important resources in a regional plan. In response to the change of interest and the sense of values in such landscape and environment, a new planning theory for the landscape management is being examined recently in Japan. It is necessary to build new ways of thinking and methodologies for the landscape management, for example new financial resources or performing organization and so on. In accordance with that trend, roles and the ability expected of landscape architects are changing. In the future, landscape architects will be required not only to create new landscapes (landscape design) but also to read unique characteristics of local landscapes (landscape literacy) more strongly.
Key words:  landscape architecture  unique characteristics  local landscape  landscape literacy  collaboration  community development
(JPN) Akio Shimomura,LIU Ming.Unique Characteristics of Local Landscape and Its Sustainable Management in Japan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(9):109-118.