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著:(德)伊尔可·马绍尔1, 著:(德)汉斯- 海因里希·迈耶1, 著:孔洞一2, 译:阮慧婷3
近20 年来,对风景园林的文化阐释成为埃尔夫特应用科技大学文化景观研究组持续以来的关注焦点。期间,该研究组系统地分析了决定图林根州文化景观的各种文化因素和要素,深入了解文化和自然环境中的复杂相互作用,以此来表述和研究图林根州的区域景观系统。首先,阐述了当下德国风景园林学术语境中“文化景观”的含义,强调文化对于景观质量的价值。继而,论述了对景观进行优化、保护和设计中无法否定和回避的文化与经济因素。这样既要发展经济又要保护文化的矛盾性质,是文化景观概念所理解的人类生存的重要性质所在。文化景观研究能够在看似统一的地理区域中,形成和发展为具有可识别性的、差异化的动态结构。此外,文化景观研究还涉及其他因素,诸如生物多样性与文化多样性的丧失、生态系统服务功能滞后、经济价值的低估、国土空间连接性以及缺少实质性评价的人文特征。对历史性文化景观价值的认知给风景园林学带来了机遇,对历史景观不仅要保护,而且要创造并提供各种富有成效的展示,以参与文化景观的未来发展。维护和整合风景园林规划设计中文化景观遗产的研究实践,可以通过基础设施项目的环境影响评估到建成区的景观设计整体过程中得以贯彻。更好地理解文化景观,有助于在空间规划和发展中对其更加谨慎地进行处理,以提高文化景观研究的科学和策略意识。
关键词:  文化景观  景观的文化价值  景观概念  风景园林师教育  空间规划  可持续发展
Cultural Landscape as a Concept of the Regional Landscape: Cultural Landscapes as a Subject of Research, Education and Planning Practice in Thuringia in Germany
Authors: (DEU) Ilke Marschall1, Authors: (DEU) Hans-Heinrich Meyer1, Authors: KONG Dongyi2, Translator: RUAN Huiting3
1.University of Applied Science Erfurt;2.University of Bonn;3.Leibniz University Hannover
The cultural interpretation of landscapes has been the focus of the cultural landscape research group at Erfurt UAS for around 20 years. During this timespan, the various cultural factors and elements that determine the cultural landscape of Thuringia were systematically analyzed. The intention was to get an overview on the regional landscape system of Thuringia and to understand the complex interactions in the cultural and natural environment. This article firstly reflects the meaning of the term “cultural landscape” in the recent academic discussion of landscape architecture. The notion “cultural landscape” underlines the value of culture for landscape in Germany quality. After that the article gives an overview of the efforts to optimize, preserve and design landscapes that can neither deny nor hide the cultural and economic constituents. Its paradoxical nature explains culture landscapes as an important and value-giving component for human existence. Cultural landscape studies enable to the identification and development of differentiating structures in seemingly uniform geographical regions. However, there are however other factors like loss of biodiversity, lag in understanding ecosystem services, of loss of cultural diversity, economic value, homeland connectivity and human identity that deprive of substantial evaluation. The awareness of the cultural wealth of historical landscapes provides the opportunity for landscape architecture not only to protect but also to create productive exhibits that could participate in the future development of cultural landscapes. Maintaining and integrating the cultural heritage of landscapes in landscape architecture can be realized from environmental impact assessments of infrastructure projects to landscape design projects in built areas. A better understanding of cultural landscapes will lead to a more careful handling of them in spatial planning and development and to a greater awareness of research through a more scientific and strategic approach.
Key words:  cultural landscape  cultural value of landscape  landscape definition  education of landscape architect  spatial planning  sustainable development
引用本文:著:(德)伊尔可·马绍尔,著:(德)汉斯- 海因里希·迈耶,著:孔洞一,译:阮慧婷.文化景观作为区域景观研究概念——德国图林根州文化景观研究、教学与规划实践[J].风景园林,2019,26(9):132-141.
Authors: (DEU) Ilke Marschall,Authors: (DEU) Hans-Heinrich Meyer,Authors: KONG Dongyi,Translator: RUAN Huiting.Cultural Landscape as a Concept of the Regional Landscape: Cultural Landscapes as a Subject of Research, Education and Planning Practice in Thuringia in Germany[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(9):132-141.