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舒心怡1, 沈晓萌2, 周昕蕾3, 郝培尧*1
景观感知作为自然教育非常重要的组成部分,其研究内容受到广泛关注,但现有研究仍处于初步阶段,未对自然教育环境设计起到应有的支撑作用。从景观感知角度,综合环境教育学、环境心理学及行为心理学等相关理论,对基于景观感知的自然教育环境的营建提出了针对性原则及策略,并着重探讨影响景观感知的设计要素。首次从景观感知角度对自然教育环境设计进行探讨,对自然教育环境的营建具有指导意义。 关键词:风景园林;自然教育;景观感知
关键词:  风景园林  自然教育  景观感知
Research on Strategies and Determinants of Nature Education Environment Design Based on Landscape Perception Theory
SHU Xinyi1, SHEN Xiaomeng2, ZHOU Xinlei3, HAO Peiyao*1
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Hangzhou Landscape Design Institute Limited.;3.ShenZhen L&A Design Holding Limited.
As an important part of nature education, landscape perception has received extensive attention. However, the existing research is still in the initial stage and has failed to play a due supporting role in nature education environment design. From the perspective of landscape perception, this paper synthesizes the related theories of environmental education, environmental psychology and behavioral psychology, and puts forward the pertinent principles and strategies for the construction of nature education environment based on landscape perception. It focuses on the design elements that affect landscape perception. It is the first time to discuss nature education environment design from the perspective of landscape perception, which is instructive to the construction of nature education environment.
Key words:  landscape architecture  nature education  landscape perception theory
SHU Xinyi,SHEN Xiaomeng,ZHOU Xinlei,HAO Peiyao*.Research on Strategies and Determinants of Nature Education Environment Design Based on Landscape Perception Theory[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(10):48-53.