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马嘉1, (日)小堀贵子2
关键词:  风景园林  环境教育  生态旅游  生物多样性  山原国立公园
分类号:S7599, F590
Environmental Education of Yambaru National Park in Japan Based on Ecotourism and Biological Protection
MA Jia1, (JPN) Kohori Takako2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.University of Tokyo
Environmental education was accepted in the 1960s as a solution to public pollution and natural environment destruction problems in Japan. After 60 years of development, environmental education has covered biodiversity and sustainable development. Taking Japan’s Yambaru National Park as an example, this paper explains the environmental education and natural experience activities of national parks from the aspects of policy system, eco-tourism and biodiversity conservation. It concludes that Yambaru National Park has carried out eco-tourism-based environmental education, centering on resident groups and enterprises, with support and guidance of local governments and protection centres. Led by the Yambaru Wildlife Protection Center directly under the Ministry of Environment of Japan, it has fulfilled biological protection such as expelling alien species and protecting endangered animals and plants, and environmental education based on biodiversity for local residents, students and tourists.
Key words:  landscape architecture  environmental education  eco-tourism  biodiversity  Yambaru National Park
MA Jia,(JPN) Kohori Takako.Environmental Education of Yambaru National Park in Japan Based on Ecotourism and Biological Protection[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(10):60-65.